Socialdemokraterna wins Swedish elections

Door Kati Piri op 10 september 2018

Last Sunday, national elections took place in Sweden. Our sister party Socialdemokraterna, led by current Prime Minister Stefan Löfven, has convincingly won these elections with 28,4% of the votes. We would like to congratulate them with this successful result, which means they are able to take the lead in forming a coalition again. We wish them all the best in this challenging process and the years ahead. And of course, we are looking forward to continue our cooperation for a Europe of fair societies, decent jobs and solidarity.

Kati Piri

Kati Piri

Kati was werkzaam als politiek adviseur in het Europees Parlement op de thema’s buitenlandbeleid, mensenrechten en defensie waarna ze in 2014 lid werd van het Europees Parlement. Belangrijke principes die Kati bewogen om het Europees Parlement in te gaan zijn het hooghouden van democratische waarden en het respecteren van mensenrechten. In 2021 maakte zij de

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